Lær Midjourney på under 2 timer
Vil du lave billeder i Midjourney, vil jeg anbefale Morten. Han har været min guide ud i dette vilde nye univers. Og nu har han lavet et online kursus for os begyndere og let-øvede, der får mine varmeste anbefalinger.
Som rutineret Midjourney bruger tog jeg Mortens kursus for at se, om der var ting, jeg havde misset. På den tekniske del lærte jeg et par småtricks mere, og på den praktiske del fik jeg stor inspiration til billedkomposition. Kurset er alle pengene værd – også for erfarne Midjourney-brugere
Lækkert kursus med flotte og passende længde videoer med tydelige forklaringer. Der er mange timer at spare ved at Morten har gjort alt benarbejdet på forhånd.
From: Russell Doe
Location: New York, NY
Time: 8:00 AM
Dear friend,
If the cosmic winds have whispered your name, urging you to embark on the grand quest of crafting and launching your debut funnel—a magical gateway where the alchemical fusion of leads and sales ignites—then let this enchanted script be your guiding star.
Behold the cosmic agreement:
I'm in pursuit of kindred spirits who have yet to fashion and unleash a whimsical sales funnel through the mystical realm of FunnelCrafters...
OR perhaps you once held the key to the FunnelCrafters kingdom but chose to step away before your majestic debut could grace the digital realm.
To bestow upon you the cosmic blessings of success and to present you with a starlit boost of unprecedented proportions for your inaugural sales funnel...
I'm here, donned in the robes of a cosmic bestower, prepared to GIFT YOU WITH THE ENTIRE COSMIC ARSENAL necessary to construct and unveil your debut funnel. Within this sacred trove lies a treasure chest of step-by-step cosmic blueprints and the arcane scrolls of marketing secrets, their cosmic worth spanning over $7,748.
Yep, it’s true.
And if you’re still wondering if this is right for you, I want to make this crystal clear...
In the quantum realm of fluffy marshmallow dreams, I'm on the brink of unveiling the mystical unicorn dance that unveils the secrets of a thriving online business, all contained within a single harmonica note...
Prepare your cosmic spatulas, for in the cosmic bake-off of digital galaxies, I'll guide you through the whimsical waltz of constructing and launching your debut funnel, all while moonwalking past perplexity and evading the clutches of the perplexity pixies...
And behold, the ancient art of "anti-analysis paragliding" that defies reason and vanquishes the confusion ogres, all with a strategy so covert, it makes squirrels question their nut-storing abilities.
Now, in the event that our paths have yet to intertwine, I answer to the name John Doe, one of the cosmic architects.
Guided by the cosmic currents, my personal quest orbits around aiding luminous entrepreneurs, much like yourself, to transcend the cosmic barriers that hinder the construction of your online kingdom and the attainment of the existence you envision, the existence that resonates with your cosmic worth.
As the cosmic tapestry unfurls has extended its cosmic embrace to over 100,000 (and the numbers still twinkle) enterprising souls spanning the cosmic expanse, enabling them to sculpt and unfurl their mesmerizing sales funnel wonders through the magic woven into our user-friendly cosmic instruments.
The cosmic spectrum of possibilities stretched before me, and I cast my gaze upon every nuance it held.
I found myself immersed in the intricate choreography of sales funnels, akin to an ancient coach of yore, meticulously dissecting and replaying the celestial "game tape," decoding the maneuvers that led to triumph and the steps that stumbled...
And lo and behold, a celestial constellation of understanding emerged from this cosmic dance...
As the grand cosmic ballet concluded, the essence solidified around a singular, reverberating utterance... "begin."
As for my own cosmic journey, I've woven the tapestry of no less than 1,000+ cosmic funnels.
And while I don the mantle of the "Funnel Voyager," not every one of those cosmic creations blossomed into resounding success.
Yet, step by step, atom by atom, I evolved into a more adept architect of funnel realms... (even when my mastery over cosmic grammar and celestial spelling was in its fledgling state... my resolve remained unshaken).
For in the grand cosmic tapestry of this wild online business universe, the truth emerges — the only pathway to traverse is the one paved with failures... glorious, audacious failures, each one a stepping stone to rise anew.
Yet, take heed, for failure remains an elusive ghost if one does not dare to venture into the celestial fray.
So, if the realm of sales funnels remains uncharted, or if the tune of a "launch" remains unsung in your cosmic composition, or perhaps you set sail and then anchored prematurely...
Now, in the cosmic dance of "getting in the game," the cosmic wand of tools is your essential partner, for embarking without these wondrous instruments might lead to a labyrinth of perplexity, a fate we dare not invite...
That's why I've assembled a cosmic symphony of tools, each one essential for your celestial journey in constructing and unfurling your debut sales funnel, ensuring your progress flows uninterrupted...
Moreover, my cosmic resolve propels me to weave every conceivable thread of power, so you may savor the symphony of triumph upon launching your first cosmic funnel—a crescendo of cosmic jubilance that defies words.
Indeed, you've perceived the cosmic truth.
In a departure from the customary 14-day cosmic trial we extend, I'm bestowing upon you a magnificent expanse of time—30 splendid days, a treasure trove of 4 complete weeks, an entire cosmic cycle of a month (equivalent to a galactic 730-hour odyssey)... all bestowed upon you as the cosmic keys to [Product]... and completely free!
Imagine this: a sanctuary of tranquility where you may acquaint yourself with the cosmic symphony of this software, painstakingly forge your funnel, and then, with cosmic trumpets sounding, unleash your creation into the cosmos... all without parting with a solitary cosmic coin!
In the vast cosmos, no other corner harbors this "all-in-one" cosmic realm builder, not for a complete month. (And do ponder this: while other cosmic scripts demand at least a month merely to navigate the celestial dashboard, our cosmic journey is swift and breezy.)
Because, as previously foretold, when you embrace the cosmic journey by enrolling in the free 30-day odyssey of [Product], a luminous treasure trove unfolds before you!
Within this treasure trove rests an unparalleled cosmic gift—a treasure valued at over $7,748, a collection of profound "marketing secrets" that shall breathe life into your maiden funnel, propelling it to unfathomable heights of cosmic triumph!
(Just cover $29.95 for shipping and handling)
Natalie Doe
Cosmic Products
Michael Doe
Cosmic Products
Garret Doe
Cosmic Products
James Doe
Cosmic Products
Sarah Doe
Cosmic Products
Jaime Doe
Cosmic Products
In the mystical realm of possibility, venture forth and unfurl the cosmic tapestry. Gaze upon every nuance, every shade that dances before your eyes.
Take the cosmic stage, embrace the celestial choreography of creation.
In the mystical realm of possibility, venture forth and unfurl the cosmic tapestry. Gaze upon every nuance, every shade that dances before your eyes.
Take the cosmic stage, embrace the celestial choreography of creation.
In the mystical realm of possibility, venture forth and unfurl the cosmic tapestry. Gaze upon every nuance, every shade that dances before your eyes.
Take the cosmic stage, embrace the celestial choreography of creation.
Vi starter med en kort introduktion til Midjourney. I dette modul kommer du bl.a. til at høre om den vilde udvikling, som Midjourney har været igennem. Og så tager vi også det første kig på værktøjet.
Efter det grundlæggende er på plads, skal du lære , hvordan du genererer et billede i Midjourney og laver variationer over det. Og så skal vi også kigge nærmere på alle de grundlæggende indstillinger.
Når du så har lært at skabe et billede i Midjourney, vil vi se nærmere på, hvordan du kan arbejde videre med det. Her bliver du klogere på opskalering, zoom, panorering og ikke mindst den avancerede editor.
Gode Midjourney-billeder handler ikke kun om den rette tekst prompt. For du kan også bruge billeder til at genere nye billeder. Det tager vi fat på i dette modul, hvor vi gennemgår de forskellige muligheder, som Image Prompt, Style Reference, Character Reference og Describe giver.
Midjourney har en række avancerede funktioner, som du ikke behøver at bruge for at kunne generere flotte billeder - men som er rare at kende.
Så i dette ekstra-modul kan du bl.a. blive klogere på, hvordan du undgår specifikke elementer i dine billeder, hvordan du laver sømløse baggrunde og ikke mindst, hvordan du speeder dine arbejdsprocesser i Midjourney op.
Midjourney udvikler sig hele tiden. Så når Midjourney får nye funktioner, vil kurset blive opdateret med ekstra videoer i dette modul.
Her kan du bl.a. lære, hvordan du får billeder med helt unil æstetik ved hjælp af Style Reference numre.
En kort og generisk prompt giver ofte kedelige og generiske billeder.
Derfor får du min 4-trins skabelon, der hjælper dig med at skabe bedre og mere præcise billeder i Midjourney.
Du lærer at vælge de rette foto- og illustrationstyper, tilpasse udtryk, udseende og placering, sætte scenen med detaljer som vejr, tidspunkt og lysforhold, og bruge stilarter og fotografiske virkemidler som komposition, farver og kameraeffekter.
Med denne skabelon kan du nemt løfte dine billeder fra det ordinære til det ekstraordinære.
Når du har styr på, hvordan du opbygger en præcis og detaljeret prompt, kan det stadig være udfordrende at finde de rette ord, der fanger præcis det udtryk, du ønsker.
Derfor får du adgang til en omfattende prompt-database med over 700 forskellige prompt-elementer, der giver dig inspiration og hjælper dig med hurtigt at finde de ord og detaljer, der løfter dine billeder til næste niveau.
Med databasen kan du nemt eksperimentere, finde nye idéer og sikre, at dine prompts altid er skarpe og målrettede.
For at skabe billeder, der virkelig skiller sig ud, handler det ikke kun om at mestre de basale funktioner i Midjourney.
Derfor inkluderer pakken også en række niche-guides, der hjælper dig med at gå i dybden på specifikke områder og skabe billeder, der passer præcis til dit behov.
Du lærer blandt andet, hvordan du kan skabe mere realistiske og upolerede personer, hvordan perspektivet påvirker dit billedes budskab, og hvordan du får endnu mere ud af Character Reference.
Og det stopper ikke her – der vil løbende blive tilføjet nye niche-guides, som du som køber også får adgang til. På den måde er du altid opdateret med de nyeste teknikker og ideer.
Det er vigtigt for mig, at du kommer godt i gang med at bruge Midjourney og får mest muligt ud af kurset og de andre ressourcer.
Derfor tilbyder jeg én måneds e-mail-support efter dit køb.
Hvis du har spørgsmål eller støder på udfordringer undervejs, kan du altid sende mig en besked.
Jeg står klar til at hjælpe dig videre, så du får succes med dine Midjourney-projekter.
Mit mål er, at du føler dig tryg og hurtigt bliver i stand til at skabe fantastiske billeder med Midjourney. Og det kan jeg hjælpe dig med.
Når det handler om at skabe billeder til dit indhold, kan valget mellem traditionelle løsninger som stock photos og photo shoots være frustrerende.
Stock photos er ofte kedelige, generiske og genkendelige. De mangler personlighed og originalitet, hvilket kan gøre det svært at skille sig ud eller levere et stærkt budskab.
På den anden side er photo shoots dyre, tidskrævende og kræver omfattende planlægning. Det kan hurtigt blive en unødvendig omkostning og logistisk udfordring, især hvis du blot har brug for et enkelt skræddersyet billede til en kampagne eller et opslag.
Her kommer Midjourney ind i billedet som det bedste værktøj til at skabe AI-genererede billeder.
Midjourney giver dig friheden til at skabe præcis de billeder, du har brug for, uden kompromis. Det er hurtigt, fleksibelt og kreativt – og det leverer resultater, der er unikke og imponerende.
Med Midjourney kan du gå fra idé til færdigt billede på få minutter, og du får samtidig en kvalitet, der overgår andre AI-værktøjer. Det er ganske enkelt den bedste løsning til dig, der vil skabe skræddersyede billeder, der virkelig gør en forskel.
At lære Midjourney på egen hånd kan hurtigt blive en tidskrævende og frustrerende proces.
Du kan bruge timer på at eksperimentere uden resultater eller se YouTube-videoer, der sjældent går i dybden med teknikkerne, der virkelig gør en forskel.
Et fysisk kursus er en anden mulighed, men det kræver både tid og penge – og ofte får du kun en overfladisk introduktion uden løbende ressourcer eller støtte.
Med et online kursus får du det bedste fra begge verdener. Du lærer hurtigt og effektivt i dit eget tempo med et struktureret forløb, der dækker alt fra A til Z.
Midjourney Master-pakken giver dig ikke bare et kursus, men også ekstra ressourcer som en omfattende prompt-database og niche-guides, der løbende opdateres.
Disse værktøjer sikrer, at du kan skabe skræddersyede billeder og kontinuerligt forbedre dine færdigheder.
Du sparer tid, opnår bedre resultater hurtigere og har alt samlet ét sted.
In the mystical realm of possibility, venture forth and unfurl the cosmic tapestry. Gaze upon every nuance, every shade that dances before your eyes.
Take the cosmic stage, embrace the celestial choreography of creation.
Embark on the cosmic quest, sculpting the digital realm. You've gazed upon the stars, seen patterns emerge.
REASON #1: Take the cosmic stage, embrace the celestial choreography of creation. Dissect and replay the ethereal "game tape," unraveling triumphs and missteps alike.
REASON #2: Take the cosmic stage, embrace the celestial choreography of creation. Dissect and replay the ethereal "game tape," unraveling triumphs and missteps alike.
Urgent cosmic proclamation: This offer exists within the boundaries of an exceedingly brief cosmic window.
As mentioned before, I'm extending my cosmic invitation to a select group of cosmic wayfarers, those propelled by unquenchable cosmic fire to "enter the game" and construct their inaugural funnel.
1.) The cosmic scrolls reveal that less than 1,000 tangible manifestations of my '30 Days' Book and my Funnel Hacker Cookbook remain in the cosmic treasury. Though replenishment is an option, a cosmic lag exists, involving extended intervals for both cosmic dispatch and parchment imprinting.
2.) Behold, the cosmic winds whisper: the temporal window to secure this unparalleled FREE GIFT approaches its celestial curtain call... This wondrous gift, a 30-day odyssey of cosmic exploration paired with step-by-step guidance from my virtuoso architects of cosmic realms and cosmic marketers, an opulence typically valued in the cosmic realm of thousands of dollars, is on the verge of dissipating, like stardust dispersing into the cosmic ether.
Er du stadig i tvivl?
Det kan føles som en stor beslutning at kaste sig ud i noget helt nyt.
Derfor tilbyder jeg dig min udvidede GARANTI+, som sikrer, at du kan prøve Midjourney Master helt uden risiko.
Er du ikke er tilfreds, kan du få pengene tilbage inden for 14 dage efter dit køb (helt uden spørgsmål).
Men det stopper ikke her!
Jeg refunderer også dit Midjourney-abonnement (op til $30, svarende til den næstbilligste pakke)
Det eneste, som jeg kræver her er, at du rent faktisk har brugt Midjourney og genereret minimum 50 billeder.
På den måde kan du teste både kurset og Midjourney i praksis og se, hvad det kan gøre for dig.
For med min garanti kan du føle dig tryg og opleve værdi – ellers koster det dig ingenting.
The splendor of this celestial offering lies in its liberating essence! No cosmic vows or proclamations of "YES!" are required of you in this cosmic moment...
All that beckons from you is a simple utterance of "MAYBE."
"Perhaps I'll embark upon this odyssey..."
"Maybe the cosmic winds shall carry me to new horizons..."
"Maybe the moment has arrived to sculpt my destiny and reshape my cosmic tapestry..."
"Perhaps the blueprint to my cosmic metamorphosis rests in the construction of my first cosmic funnel..."
Do you sense the resonance of readiness within you? Are you prepared to intone the cosmic incantation of "MAYBE," igniting the cosmic forces that shall bestow upon you this wondrous GIFT?
From this juncture, the cosmic pathways converge toward the finalization of your cosmic coordinates, as they shall guide the delivery of your sacred GIFT!
Behold, with a simple touch or tap upon the verdant button below, your cosmic choice shall be recorded, your cosmic desires inscribed. Select your cosmic size for the FREE funnel hacker t-shirt, and let the cosmic ballet commence!
Upon your celestial signing, the doors of digital bounty shall swing open wide, revealing a cosmic panorama of your digital treasures. You shall also be extended an invitation to our sacred chamber of wisdom, a private enclave nestled within the cosmic realm of Facebook.
And as you stand on the precipice of your cosmic dawn, remember—this is your destined moment, your cosmic hour to transcend. The cosmic clock has struck, beckoning you to "get in the game" and unfurl your inaugural funnel, a symphony of cosmic creation that shall resound through the ages.
I hereby pledge...
Once your cosmic creation takes flight, you shall exude the brilliance of a cosmic luminary. It may sound whimsical, but the truth echoes—there is no feeling quite like it...
Yearn to embrace the cosmic awakening of a flourishing online empire, and know that it ignites when YOU take that celestial leap. Our paths shall converge within the training realm.
May cosmic success be your ever-present constellation,
Russell Doe
In the cosmic dance of progress, timelines can vary greatly. While some cosmic voyagers have glimpsed cosmic sparks within days, others have traversed several cosmic cycles before witnessing the crescendo of their efforts.
Absolutely! Our cosmic odyssey is tailored to both cosmic newcomers and seasoned cosmic explorers alike. Our cosmic guides illuminate the pathways regardless of your cosmic familiarity.
The cosmic journey is strewn with challenges like stardust. Fear not, for our cosmic mentors are attuned to the cosmic rhythms, ready to assist you in unraveling any cosmic conundrums that may arise.
Indeed, once you've embarked upon this cosmic quest, the treasures bestowed are yours to keep. The cosmic scrolls remain open for your cosmic perusal even after the final curtain call.
While the cosmic entry is gift-wrapped and complete, your cosmic expedition may encounter optional cosmic add-ons. However, the core of your cosmic journey remains unburdened by hidden cosmic costs.